Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’s Types
Predominantly inattentive attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is sometimes called attention-deficit disorder (ADD).
- Short attention span, quickly bored, lack of organization, inclination to daydream, and difficulty following directions are all characteristics of this type of ADHD.
- They may also have issues with hyperactivity or impulse control from time to time.
Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder causes fewer attention symptoms and more hyperactivity issues.
- Symptoms include fidgeting, talking constantly, difficulty staying silent, impatience, being perpetually in motion, and making impulsive choices.
Combination attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder sufferers have significant symptoms involving both attention and hyperactive-impulsive behaviors.
With the One Behavioral Care team’s expert support, you can effectively cope with whatever type of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder you have.
How Do We Identify ADHD?
How We Treat ADHD?

Why One Behavioral?
One behavioral provides you and your child with the experience of skilled specialists to assist them in overcoming developmental issues by devising personalized treatment strategies that will improve your behavior and overall health.