One Behavioral

Meredith Roach

Merdith Roach

Licensed Professional Counselor or Psychotherapist
Meredith Roach is a Therapist seeing clients in Pearland virtually and in person

In-person visits

Video visits


Meredith D. Roach, is a licensed professional counselor (LPC) or psychotherapist at One Behavioral Health. He earned a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling from Capella University in Minneapolis in June 2014. (CACREP). His areas of expertise include psychotherapy, group therapy, marital counseling, and family counseling. Meredith is well-versed in recognizing and treating mental problems.

By providing assessment exams, obtaining clinical measurements, and focusing on their learning and cognition, he helps his patients feel better. Some foundations he is associated with include developmental psychology, child and adolescent psychology, abnormal psychology, statistics, psychological tests, and measurements.

With expertise in EMDR therapy for trauma, he specializes in anxiety, sadness, grief and loss, personality disorders, and trauma. He works with patients aged 14 and above. CBT and mindfulness for anxiety and depression, utilizing an integrative treatment strategy that combines theory and practice to create a unique, tailored treatment plan. Among his clients are active-duty and retired military personnel, as well as adolescents. Meredith spent three years at West Oaks psychiatric hospital before moving on to One Behavioral, where he worked with a broad mix of inpatients for the previous four years.

He enjoys educating and empathizing with clients and making sure their treatment is cohesive and consistent as well as comprehensive with an underlying focus on the person-centered approach, a style that is the foundation of therapy that maintains the focus on the story of the client to help the client make their own decisions and become empowered through breakups, loss and grief, school and work stress and life changes as we all grow and learn to be our best selves.

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In-Network Insurances


Office Location


One Behavioral
12234 Shadow Creek Pkwy Pearland, TX 77584



Focus Areas

Client Focus

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